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Venereal Disease Treatment at Your Nearest Clinic

Treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, also called venereal diseases, is available at your nearest urgent care clinic. This is a place to be when you are suffering from common ailments or wish to ensure your sexual health. The clinic offers testing and treatment on the same day.

Urgent care clinics have changed the way patients received medical care. No more waiting; no more appointments. You are unwell; you walk in the clinic and ask for a doctor.

Similarly, if you wish to receive venereal disease treatment, you can simply walk in and consult a doctor. The best part is: you can request the staff to keep your identity confidential.

Why discreet testing?

Talking about sexually transmitted diseases raises eyebrows. Societies are yet not comfortable talking about sex and its diseases. So naturally, you might feel uncomfortable opening up with the doctor. At the same time, you may be worried your name would be in the medical records for STD testing and treatment.

Considering these worries and the fact that STDs still carry a social stigma, the clinic gives patients an option of being anonymous. You can undergo testing and do the billing without revealing your true identity.

Thanks to this option, you can talk about venereal disease with the doctor candidly. Also, please remember that you must be honest with the doctor regarding your sexual health.

Why be honest with the doctor?

Suppose you have multiple sex partners. Your doctor must know this. Hiding this fact will do you no good. This is because people with multiple sex partners are at a higher risk of contracting venereal diseases, especially HIV. When your doctor knows about this he or she can advise you correctly regarding tests.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends people with more than one sex partners to get themselves tested for STD regularly.

Treating a venereal disease

Not all diseases are curable. Diseases caused by viruses such as HIV, herpes, and others cannot be cured; but they can be managed.

Treatment depends on the type of symptoms you experience, the severity of the disease, your age, overall health status, and sexual behavior.

It is important to follow the instructions of the doctor. You must not stop a treatment midway without informing the doctor. This holds particularly true for incurable diseases that are managed through medication.

Venereal disease treatment at the earliest stage is easier than at a later stage. As the disease progresses, it spreads to other areas of the body. This makes the case more complicated, as now you must treat the complications along with the disease itself.

Some diseases turn fatal at a later stage.

That’s why doctors suggest timely test and treatment. All sexually active people must undergo a test, the frequency of which depends on their sexual behaviors. Those experiencing symptoms must not delay in consulting a doctor.

Walk in your nearest urgent care clinic today and take charge of your sexual health. Only a healthy couple can enjoy a fulfilling sexual life. Are you and your partner healthy sexually?

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