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Chlamydia Treatment Guide & What Happens When You Don’t Treat It

walk in clinic Alexandria VA, walk in clinic Arlington VA

Chlamydia is one of the commonest STDs to occur in the US; but the good news is that it is completely curable. Doctors treat chlamydia with a dose of antibiotics. HIV-negative and HIV-positive people are treated in the same manner.

Two common antibiotics that doctors prescribe to treat chlamydia are:

• Doxycycline: You must take it daily for 7 days.
• Azithromycin: You must take in one dose of 1 gram, followed by a dose of 500 mg once a day for only 2 days.

In cases wherein the patient is pregnant or lactating or has some allergy, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics like erythromycin or amoxicillin.

In cases where the doctor is concerned about complications that may arise due to the disease, the doctor may prescribe a longer course of medication.

Chlamydia in infants is also treated through antibiotics.

Side effects of antibiotics

It depends on your general health. Some patients feel weakness, diarrhea, stomach pain, or simply feel unwell. Some women may get thrush.

These are mild side effects. If you find yourselves feeling very sick during the course of antibiotics, please inform your doctor.

Importance of completing the course of antibiotics

You must complete the prescribed course of antibiotics for full chlamydia treatment. Please do not share your medicines with others.

Remember, antibiotics can only cure chlamydia infection. They cannot reverse the damage done to your organs due to the disease. This usually happens when you seek treatment very late. The infection spreads to other vital organs and may cause permanent damage.

That’s why doctors urge people to be attentive of their sexual health and undergo STD testing whenever they feel they have been exposed to an infection.

Repeat infection

Repeat infection is common. This generally happens when your sex partner fails to undergo a test and, if needed, a treatment. If you indulge in sex with them and if they are infected, you will be re-infected.

Please do not think that you cannot get chlamydia again once you are treated for it. Antibiotics treatment does not make you immune to the infection. It only treats the existing infection.

Women who suffer from multiple chlamydia infections are at a greater risk of developing serious complications like ectopic pregnancy and pelvic inflammatory disease. So please take chlamydia seriously.

What happens if you don’t take chlamydia treatment?

If you leave chlamydia infection untreated, you are paving way for deadly health complications.

Complications in women

• Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): This is a serious complication that may need hospitalization. This happens when the infection spreads to your reproductive organs and causes damage.
•Ectopic pregnancy: This is a life-threatening condition for the mother and the fetus.
Infertility: Chlamydia can permanently damage your reproductive system rendering you infertile.
Infecting your baby: You can easily infect your newborn with this deadly infection.
Pregnancy complications: Many infected women experienced pre-term delivery.

Complications in men

Decreased fertility: Chlamydia infection can damage sperms rendering you less fertile.
Epididymitis: Infection may spread to your testicles and epididymis (the tube that transports sperms to testicles).

Chlamydia and gonorrhea are common STDs. You must also take gonorrhea treatment seriously for complete cure.

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