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Knowing what STDs are and How to Avoid Sexually transmitted infections

Sexual contact is the primary cause of all sexually transmitted infections, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. These infections spread through sexual intercourse besides blood transfusion and infected needles. These bacteria and viruses can pass from an infected person to a healthy individual through semen, saliva, and other bodily fluids besides blood. Read ahead to know STD types, symptoms, and testing options.

What should you know about STIs?

A sexually transmitted infection can become severe without timely detection and treatment. Any sexual activity that involves genital organs, anus, and mouth may lead to the spread of STDs. Many STD-infected persons spread the disease with no knowledge about their condition, as most infections do not present symptoms until they reach advanced stages.

Physicians discuss a person’s sexual history and lifestyle to know the individual risk-potential of getting sexually transmitted diseases. Every sexually active person should consider STD screening at least once in six months. Many people confuse sexually transmitted infections and diseases. These terms are interchangeable in most cases.

Most STIs have no symptoms during the initial phase, but symptoms can appear later as the infection spreads across the body. Testing is an essential aspect of sexually transmitted diseases because a physician cannot start the right treatment without proper STD detection.

Timely detection and periodic screening

Most individuals having STDs are unaware of their condition because sexually transmitted infections present no symptoms initially. The symptoms of STDs appear as the disease advances to a more severe condition. These are a few common STI symptoms:

• Unexplained vaginal bleeding
• Foul-smelling vaginal discharge
• Sores around genitals
• Intense itching and swelling near genitals
• Difficulty to urinate
• Painful intercourse

Fever, unexplained weight loss, chills, diarrhea, and body ache are other symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.

Reputed STD clinics provide same-day STD testing facilities to detect a sexually transmitted infections. Individuals who feel they have an STI should immediately approach an established STD clinic for discreet testing and consultation.

Preventing sexually transmitted infections

Many STDs are treatable with standard antibiotics but a few, like HIV-AIDS, have no complete cure requiring a conscious effort to prevent these infections. With over twenty types of sexually transmitted infections, there is a need for greater awareness about the ways to prevent them.

A responsible and careful approach is crucial to eliminate the risk of getting STIs. Avoiding sex with strangers and using a condom are basic preventive measures to minimize the risk of STDs. Both partners must be loyal to each other and avoid unnatural sex to prevent venereal diseases.

One should always prefer safe sex by knowing the sexual history of the partner before intercourse. Using barrier methods is the most effective approach to preventing sexually transmitted infections. Consider going for periodic testing with your partner to rule out the presence of STIs. Vaccination is an effective way to prevent hepatitis B and HPV infections.

The takeaway

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are highly contagious. They spread fast because of unnatural sex, or casual sex, with multiple partners. An infected individual continues spreading a sexually transmitted disease with no knowledge because an STD may not present any symptoms. Preventive measures like using condoms, avoiding casual sex, and periodic STD testing are crucial to prevent STIs.

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