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HIV testing Washington DC Ensures Faster HIV Treatment for Effective Symptom Control

HIV testing Washington DC Ensures Faster HIV Treatment for Effective Symptom ControlRoutine STD or HIV screening is the right approach for detecting and treating many sexually transmitted diseases. Diagnosis by symptoms is not always possible because STD symptoms do not appear until the infection progresses to a later stage. HIV screening may not be a part of a standard sexual health checkup or annual physical test. HIV testing Washington DC assures discreet and accurate testing, paving the way for treatment.

Discussing sexual health with a physician

Most individuals avoid discussing sexual health because they feel shy to share personal details. It can cause serious problems compromising their sexual health. Sex workers and people who do not use protective measures to prevent STDs are a few high-risk groups. Casual or unnatural sex and sex with strangers are common causes of STDs. Discussing such matters with the doctor will ensure timely testing and cure.

HIV is the most dreadful sexually transmitted infection that may go undetected for months before progressing to AIDS, a more severe disease. Discussing sexual risk factors is crucial to avoid serious infections like syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. Many standard STIs are detectable using routine STD screening procedures in hassle free HIV testing in Washington DC.

Common causes of HIV exposure

One should suspect exposure to HIV because of these common causes:
• Use of infected needle
• Blood transfusion
• Anal sex
• Exposure to HIV-infected blood

These are a few risk factors for HIV infection. Besides, exposure to an HIV-infected person’s rectal, vaginal, or oral fluids may increase the risk of an HIV infection. Contact of these fluids with an open wound or broken skin increases the possibility of transmitting HIV infection. Drug abuse, tattooing, and unprotected anal or vaginal sex are common causes of HIV spread.

Common HIV tests

A reputed clinic for HIV testing, Washington, DC, provides same-day testing and diagnosis.

The human body responds to the invasion of HIV by producing antibodies to fight the infection. The activation of the body’s immune response is because of the antigen, which is part of the virus. Some HIV tests detect the virus by identifying the antibodies or antigens. Antibody antigen tests are standard HIV tests as doctors can detect the infection between 18 and 45 days after initial exposure.

Doctors recommend a Nucleic Acid Test for individuals having symptoms of HIV or background definite risk factors. The test allows faster detection of HIV as it identifies the virus instead of an antigen or antibody. Physicians can detect HIV infection within five to twenty-one days after exposure through the Nucleic Acid Test.

Significance of HIV screening

A majority of Sexually Transmitted Diseases like HIV present no symptoms. HIV testing Washington, DC, is the only way to confirm HIV infection. Discussing your risk factors will help your physician to know the appropriate HIV test. Contacting a qualified physician or a nurse practitioner is crucial if there are symptoms like fever with chills, sores on the genitals, vaginal discharge, significant weight loss, or frequent diarrhea.

These symptoms may be because of HIV infection or other STDs if there are accompanying risk factors. However, stress free HIV testing in Washington DC will determine the exact cause of these symptoms. Testing should involve both partners because of the possibility of transmitting the infection. Faster detection of an HIV infection is the cornerstone of successful treatment. It will also prevent the progression of HIV infection to AIDS.

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